Sniper reel for Makro Racer 2 (review+)

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After walking around the fields and beaches with a “racer” with a standard coil, I remembered that the Pro package also includes a small sniper coil, which I didn’t take seriously at first, but immediately carefully put in the far corner. Well, what can a coil a little larger than a palm find? identifies and separates nearby targets, but trash cans are different: it’s one thing when a large accumulation of metal and colored garbage comes across a small area on a field, and quite another — popular paths or courtyards of abandoned houses.

Sniper reel for Makro Racer 2 (review+)

This is where you will feel all the need for a sniper coil. For the first exit, I chose exactly this path. I turned on the device and it automatically set the search program to two tones, but since on the path, as you understand, there are a lot of traffic jams, foil and other colored debris, with each wiring I heard from one to five separate signals in my headphones. At first I tried to select each one and look at what the VDI showed. By the way, each target was easily highlighted and identified by VDI. But this took a lot of time and knowing in advance that apart from garbage it’s unlikely that anything good would come across, I decided to switch to the three-tone program and focus my attention only on signals with high VDI.

Sniper coil for Makro Racer 2 (review+)

The result was not long in coming — I began to come across strange little things made of copper and a couple of coins — modern walker. I was not disappointed in the reel; with it you can quickly run along such a path or quickly explore a picnic site and collect everything valuable. On my second trip with a sniper, I decided to explore the yard of an abandoned farm. Since people left it at least twenty years ago, it turned out to be heavily overgrown with grass, small trees and bushes. Out of habit, I thought that I had to leave; I wouldn’t be able to wave at the racer here, but I looked at the reel and realized: it’s not afraid of all these obstacles. In fact, this is what happened: it was not difficult to walk, the device could look into any place where with a larger coil it would not have gone.

Sniper reel for Makro Racer 2 (review+)

As a result, I was convinced that this coil offers great prospects in hard-to-reach search areas with a large concentration of metal debris.

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