Treasure of Roman coins found in Great Britain! (Second successive treasure for May!)

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I honestly admit — news about treasures in Great Britain is not so surprising, there is no digging there in the whole country, so many years of history will not go in vain! However, we have a new treasure of Roman coins and again the main character was XP Deus! In the Deusovodov sect, stories have arrived for pride and comparison.

Treasure of Roman coins in Great Britain

Meet — Dan Stevenson, UK Deuser. According to him, he walked through the field and:

«suddenly I didn’t get the best signal, but I had a good feeling and I started digging, removed the top layer of soil and checked the signal again — the signal has changed! I began to remove another layer of earth and suddenly noticed silver coins».

The interesting thing is that there were nails above the coins and Dan admitted that he found various traces of a fire, maybe there once stood a shack that was burned? Also, the coins were located in different positions, many lay on their edges.

Treasure of Roman silver coins found XP Deus

Of course, the respectable Anglo-Saxon notified the local archaeologists and upon the latter’s arrival at the site, everyone began to dig up the treasure together. They even allowed Dan and his comrades from his club (the Southern Detectorists Club in Great Britain) to dig up the treasure with them under their own supervision and control. He was also allowed to take the finds home, I don’t know, he probably took pictures of everything and posted it on Instagram?

Treasure of Roman silver coins found XP Deus

Treasure of Roman silver coins found XP Deus

For some reason the thought occurred to me that this was the cash register of one of the military units/units of the Roman Army.

Treasure of Roman silver coins found XP Deus

And this is the hero of the day himself and his friends from the club. In total they found 187 silver Roman denarii. Not a bad treasure!

Two lessons can be learned from this: it is better to always check the signal and explore deep signals, you never know what lies there and what the device is signaling.

Dusya has been bringing treasures lately! Two treasures were found in one field, the whole story here!

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