Wireless headphones for Makro Racer 2 and Makro Gold Racer

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I like new technologies. Every year they penetrate into our favorite hobby more and more, although wireless devices and headphones on a cop won’t particularly surprise anyone — XP has been promoting its top-end and completely wireless device XP Deus for a long time, the Chinese with Deteknix have released headphones with an adapter for many popular models of metal detectors, but their product is not successful, now the Turkish company Makro has released a new accessory for its top-end device Makro Racer 2 and gold digger Makro Gold Racer.

Wireless headphones Makro Racer 2

As you can see — The headphones are powered by a built-in battery and can be recharged using a regular USB cable. Manufacturers follow a simple path — sooner or later everything will be connected via USB and charged using a popular connector.

Wireless headphones Makro Racer 2

Judging by the photo, the headphones are made very well, somewhat reminiscent of my Koss headphones, Koss probably released them on order from Macro. But no one will tell us this secret. The headphones also have on/off buttons. Simple design should lead to maximum efficiency.

Wireless headphones Makro Racer 2

The headphones are paired with the device using an additional module that comes with the headphones. Convenient solution — the module is inserted directly into the device block, there is no need to add anything extra to insulate and protect the connector.

Well — in the next five to ten years, all devices will be as wireless as possible, because Fisher is now working on a new wireless device (whether it will be F85 or T3? is unknown), XP is going to release an updated XP Deus model (also rumors), so the wireless headphones created from Macro is only the first «swallow» in wireless accessories and devices from Turkish manufacturers.

If you have already purchased similar headphones and have experience using — write and we will be happy to share your review with other comrades. On the topic of Macro and devices from Macro, I collect all the information here. Happy digging!

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