XP Deus 4.1 update. What’s new or should we wait for XP Deus 5.0?

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A new V4.1 update is now available for the XP Deus. Here is what’s new in this version, whose device needs urgent update and who can wait until the version 5.0… Yes, I am not mistaken – it’s telling that a super new XP Deus 5.0 will appear soon and it will surely knock out all of its fierce competitors ))


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XP Deus 4.1 update. What's new or should we wait for XP Deus 5.0?

New menu addition “Ground Sensitivity” in GB > EXPERT. This new setting makes it possible to adjust the machines ability to track soils according to their intensity. This makes it possible to avoid tracking on soils with a low mineralization.

GROUND SENS low (1 to 5): Slightly mineralized soils are ignored and the DEUS does not track and will not display ground values, the Deus will default to the recommended level. GROUND SENS high (6 to 10): The DEUS will track even low mineralized soils.

GROUND EFFECT. Do not be tempted to adjust the “GROUND SENS” too high as this may introduce more instability and false ground readings. Levels of 1 to 5 are recommended, they will give you better stability over the V4.0

• Ground measurement display: If the DEUS does not register a ground effect for 7 seconds or receives a level lower than the set “GROUND SENS” for more than 7 seconds it will now display

• Ground Tracking: If the DEUS no longer measures a suitable ground fefect for 30 seconds it will default the tracking to a setting value of 88 for more stability For example the ground value will revert to default if: The soil is not mineralized enough or if the level of mineralization is lower than your set “GROUND SENS”, or simply if you stop detecting.


XP Deus 4.1 update. What's new or should we wait for XP Deus 5.0?

The Radio connection between MI-6 and DEUS is now more reliable and faster. As soon as you resume detecting or if the soil becomes saliently mineralized again, the DEUS will continue to track the soil and the display will show the measured value. HF coils do not require software updates for the moment, they are ignored during the update.

I strongly hope that the V4.1 update is really a step forward. The XP Deus has been produced since 2009 and its electronics may fall short of the 2018 realities. All that is left to do is reduce burden on the processor to make it run faster – for example, by using a preset ground balance. As for the fact that the white-colored XP 22.5 HF coils don’t require software updates… Don’t believe marketers, the manufacturer simply haven’t got round to updating the coils yet but definitely will with their further updates.

You can download the new version 4.1 here (the manufacturer’s official website). Other info on the XP Deus is collected here (news, tests, comparisons, reviews and opinions) and on Knowledgebase pages. By the way, you can find separate selections there – the XP Deus repair, updates and much more. Those are the things you absolutely need to know before buying this machine.

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