Saffron milk caps from New Zealand (Competition story, gold+!)

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By chance, I was carried to the most remote point of the world. Having arrived in New Zealand, having gotten used to it a little and settled in, I immediately began to think about how I could start instrumental search here. After studying local laws and talking with comrades digging in Zealand, I firmly decided to buy the device. Less than a month has passed since I received my Explorer 2, purchased from a local comrade, for local currency. The first attempts to search yielded almost nothing, but time passed and gradually I began to understand how and where to search and things went well….

Saffron milk caps from New Zealand (Competitive story, gold+!)And now, after a short introduction, I will tell you about one of my trips, which I still remember with a smile, having been in Russia for a long time.

Getting up in the morning, I sat down in front of my laptop and, using Google Map, began to set points for reconnaissance. My comrades were busy, so I decided to go alone. The first point was the local beach, quite distant from the city. Arriving at the place, I was very disappointed, since the beach was far from sandy, large pebbles made it absolutely impossible to stick a shovel in, and the amount of garbage surprised me greatly, for such a civilized country as New Zealand. After wandering around a bit and swearing in my heart, I moved towards my car. Half an hour of perfectly flat road towards the city center and now I’m already clearing the device in a local park. We have already been to this place several times, but on our last trip, I liked one place, but that time there was a tent of a local homeless person in this place and it was not possible to rummage around on its own. Today the place was empty and I happily began to explore it. Not even a minute had passed before the first coin appeared from the ground. The place gradually yielded finds, but for some reason it ceased to interest me and pulled me to the opposite end of the park, where my comrades and I were also more than once.

After wandering around for an hour, I got into the car and drove to the other end of the park. After a little smoke, I began to think about which direction I should go, since we had already been in absolutely all directions. I decided to go up the mountain, which was abundantly overgrown with trees and bushes, because we had never ventured here. Having climbed with difficulty, shelling the slope along the way, to my surprise I came across an old overgrown road with small clearings for a rest. Judging by the appearance, the place is old, but even now it is used by local youth for drinking alcoholic beverages and fornicating)))).

Ryzhiki from New Zealand (Competitive story, gold+!)Having examined the place, I started searching and not even five minutes had passed before I dug out an incomprehensible round-shaped contraption. Fatigue and the rather hot weather made it clear and I was even too lazy to bend over to take this thing in my hand, I just kicked the lump of earth with this thing… the lump fell apart and the thing rolled, perhaps I wouldn’t even try to catch up with it, since its shape didn’t arouse my interest, but then, through the dense crown of trees, a ray of sun fell on this thing and it sparkled gold….Bending down and picking it up, I was in a slight shock! On my palm was an antique cameo brooch, a portrait of an unknown lady made of the likeness of ivory and a gold band!!! Emotions went wild – golden cameo!!!

After a smoke break and rejoicing at the find, I decided to examine this place in more detail and not even two minutes had passed when the device emitted exactly the same signal as in the case of the cameo. This time I immediately bent down and began to probe the lump of earth and lo and behold! Something flashed from the ground! And now a golden brooch with three red stones is already shining in my palm….my joy knew no bounds! Charged with positive energy from the finds, fatigue went away and I began to literally vacuum the earth. Gradually, the pocket began to sag from the found ancient coins made of copper and silver. From time to time we came across local badges, apparently from the Second World War.

Saffron milk caps from New Zealand (Competitive story, gold+!)Having pretty much filled my pocket, I already began to think about the trip home, about washing the finds and about the reaction of my comrades after I showed them everything, fatigue again began to squat me… Deciding to come here later with my comrades, I began to gradually move towards the descent from mountains and here there is a weak signal…Kopok, another one and I see a golden ring with some kind of large stone falling out of the ground….Then emotions just went off scale! I joyfully shouted gratitude to the earthly grandfather, took a smoke break and headed towards the car. I don’t remember how I rode, or more precisely on what wings I flew, but I got home quickly. My friend, who was at work at that time, met me at the gate. He asked with a bit of a grin – How are you doing? Ehh, you should have seen his face)))) But I didn’t show them to him, I said, “When you finish your work, come in and I’ll show you!” And pressing the gas, he moved towards his home))))

Saffron milk caps from New Zealand (Competitive story, gold+!)I am very glad that this time I did not forget my action camera and, if possible, filmed this “magical” departure!
Watch it on my channel. Good luck everyone!

Sent by Pavel P.

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