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Cop on an abandoned estate (Competitive story of a digger)
Good day, fellow comrades! I want to tell my story as a cop. I’m still an inexperienced treasure hunter. This spring I bought my first MD. After a long, painful choice between Aska 350 and Terka 305, I chose Terka. Things didn’t work out…
When the Kopari raised a soldier, and with him a camera from the Second World War (photo+)
There was such a very interesting operation during the Second World War — The Ardennes offensive of German troops began in mid-December 1944 and ended at the end of January 1945. The idea and idea was not bad — with a swift…
Help from the earthly grandfather (Competition story)
It was an unbearably hot summer day. A week has passed since I replaced my trusty “Asya” with the new “Terka” 705. I’m not quite used to the device yet, but the results pleased me, and I was not disappointed in the purchase. After work, as…
Trip for treasure (competition story)
Here is another story. The following is the author's story. Spelling and some stylistics have been edited in places by me. For a long time I was planning to wander around the Nizhnevladimirovsky mine. Or rather, by what was left of him. In…
How I found the mark of the Roman Legion (competition story – without a metal detector!)
The idea for this trip arose by chance, on a warm summer evening in one of the parks in Amsterdam. My friend and I were sitting on a bench and drinking wine, figuring out how to spend the weekend. The wine was German, which prompted us to…
Wallet. (Competitive story of a digger!)
Background. This happened in 2014. Autumn. It rained all week and stopped just before the weekend. We went for mushrooms. We got lost. The car is a blaster. Somehow we emerged from the forest road onto a sandy road (the military had built a…
First Empire! (Competitive story of a digger!)
Good afternoon, a digger from the city of Kyiv writes to you. I want to tell you my story from a cop. Recently, at the beginning of autumn, I watched a video cop, the guys raised five kopecks in amazing preservation. And I thought out loud:…
Cross-shaped icon of the Savior Emmanuel 12th century (history of the find)
How often do those who dig in the Kyrgyz Republic come across objects made using the cloisonné enamel technology? I’ll tell you - it’s extremely rare. Each such find is a unique, unparalleled work of art. So it is not at all surprising that…
Trial coins of Nicholas II (Educational, for winter reading for diggers)
Of course, you won’t find such a coin in the fields, still trial issues, but who knows? It’s an interesting thing, what kind of coins we could now raise at plowing and divide the late Imperial copper into old and new issues . 🙂 However,…
Medieval golden noble (photo+)
Noble — This is the name given to the first mass-produced English gold coin. The word itself translated into Russian means «noble» or «noble». The very name for the coin coin breakout is over 900 gold! 😉 The…
Exploration of chestnut alleys (photo+)
I decided to spend the cloudy autumn Sunday morning correctly and went to explore new places. An old manor was chosen, or rather what had once been alleys not far from it. What remained of its former splendor was the masonry of a drainage…
Asya, the gun and the curse of cabbage (photo+)
I went to wave the new Asya 400i with a «gun» three or four times. from CORS Labs, aka the new Cannon reel, not to be confused with a camera. 😉 I must admit, at first I was confused. The coil began to produce noise; it was…
Autumn war cop with Garrett ACE 400i
The other day I went to a cop in the 1944 war. Over several months of continuous fighting, the forest was dug up far and wide with shells, bombs and sapper blades. Here the forest is wet, it was possible to hold on only on high-rise…
Canals of St. Petersburg (photo finds+)
As life practice confirms, the extraction of treasured swag is possible in the most sophisticated places. Moreover, the more sophisticated the place, the greater the likelihood of being there first. While crowds of diggers comb farmland,…
Wallet, cross and other goodies with X-Terra 505 (photo+)
It snowed today, and I’m hunting for cops, I confess to you. Another month or two and frost will hit. Moreover, such finds from comrades, how can one sit here… I don’t know about you, but I’ll be packing my backpack. If not today,…
Hoard is almost always fear. Photos
Almost any hoard is saturated with fear… Having amassed possessions, you are afraid all these things can be taken away from you. You might run away, but you can’t take it with you. After stealing something, you want to tuck it away.…